ES VICIS Foundation

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The ES VICIS Foun­da­ti­on is a non-pro­fit orga­nizati­on based in Switz­er­land, who­se goal is to foster sus­tainable and plan­ned migra­ti­on to rural towns and vil­la­ges, to sup­port their revi­ta­lizati­on and empower­ment, and ulti­m­ate­ly to crea­te thri­ving com­mu­ni­ties. It’s pro­gram­me “Wel­co­me to my Vil­la­ge” enables under­pri­vi­le­ged fami­lies living with school aged child­ren in over­c­row­ded cities to migra­te to peaceful small rural vil­la­ges, and to estab­lish their own busi­nesses that bring pro­spe­ri­ty to the community.

Das Spen­den­ma­ga­zin von StiftungSchweiz rich­tet sich an Spen­de­rin­nen und Spen­der. Es infor­miert über aktu­el­le Pro­jek­te, Trends im Spen­den­markt und gibt Tipps, die das digi­ta­le Spen­den ein­fa­cher machen. Jede zwei­te Woche erscheint ergän­zend der «Do Good» Spen­den-News­let­ter.